Friday, March 2, 2012

roots and a mattress

a long awaited post. i got to shoot for myself, with one of my best friends. something i have not really been able to do fully and completely in a very long time (at least what felt like an eternity to me). school really knows how to keep me from these things. but i am promising myself and from here on out am going to push myself to make time to shoot for myself more and do what i have to do. there is nothing better than shooting and being free and safe and content behind my camera. Blake carried a bed around for me all day, that boy is radical.

               -photo with deer head inspired by the Simple Math video by Manchester Orchestra-


  1. these are all so lovely. never stop taking photos.

  2. I really love the last ones.

  3. there is nothing better than shooting and being free and safe and content behind my camera. Blake carried a bed around for me all day, that boy is radical.
